Spiritual Growth

Spritual Growth

At Meizon we gather children together to celebrate Christ and all he has done in our lives. This helps our children to discover their true identity in Christ through hearing the word.

As we walk along the orphans and the most vulnerable children in our society, we make sure they know that they are loved and their lives matters. With the support of pastors and socials workers, help our children find healing in their own stories.

One of our precious child , Elizabeth shared, before coming to Meizon Foundation, my life was in misery, I was abandoned by my mother, ii thought my life dint matter, but now because of my walk with Christ and the love I have experienced from MEIZON family and sponsors , I understand my worthy and am excited for my future.

Just like Elizabeth as our children come to understand the love of Christ as they worship him, we see the power of Jesus transforming their lives. 


  • Lungujja-Zone 8 off Mackey Rd. Natete Lubaga Division Kampala-Uganda
  • +256705621258
  • [email protected]