Our Story

Meizon Foundation


Meizon foundation begun 2021 in Kosovo, Kampala Uganda during the pandemic of covid-19.

Meizon foundation is a Christian based that was founded in 2021 by WILSON SSENDAGILE as a service organization to provide care for orphans and the most vulnerable children in the slums of Kosovo.

WILSON SSENDAGILE founded Meizon foundation during the covid-19 pandemic, that left many families heart broken and separated, hence leaving many children abandoned. Many people living in this slum are below the poverty line, with totally nothing to eat and no proper clothes to wear. The place floods with water and rubbish the moment it rains. It’s a densely populated area with housing standards below standard; that is, houses are overcrowded with cracked walls, dirty rooms, and frequently linked roofs, where things get wet whenever it rains. Unfortunately, such a house is a place someone calls home.

As If that is not enough, the rent for such a house without proper sanitation is so high despite its poor condition.

Many of our people cannot afford to rent them on their own, thus start sharing with their neighbors, relatives, or then Others force their children into child labor to make sure they collect enough money to supplement on that they can.

These houses are always surrounded by small trenches that run through slums with dirty and full of life -threatening diseases like typhoid, bilharzia, cholera, and malaria due to mosquitoes.

Therefore poor people always struggle to get clean water, so they get it from public-paid taps, private taps, or protected walls at a cost per Jerry can, which is still expensive for them.

Life is simply a probability of tomorrow in this slum. When it comes to education, probably all the people in the slum are dropouts. Young girls at thirteen to fifteen years of age have been impregnated and dropped out of school.

Nearly all parents in this slum cannot afford 56 USD to take their children to school for one term. Anyway, just imagine a family that fails to get what to eat, Can it really educate someone? So most children are sent to look for simple jobs to work and supplement the family income, so they do jobs like selling oranges, bananas, maize, sweets, brooms along the streets, and others as housemaids.

Many youths and young children engage in consuming drugs and alcohol, leading to high crime rates due to boredom, and young girls are victims of rape, robbery, and early marriage. Parents always do those small businesses of charcoal selling, maize roasting, tomato selling, and onion selling, among others.

As I said earlier, eating is not easy. Many families in this slum eat one meal a day as a way of saving money and cooking supplies like charcoal and water, among others.

That’s how we live in our slum, and that’s what people do in that community.

As Meizon Foundation, since we look forward to extend our great love to children , our best need is to help take children back to school and rescue them from child labor, thus giving them a better life than their parents through providing school fees , school requirements like books, shoes, pens, pencils, etc.

Since getting food is very hard, we look forward to providing food like rice, posho, beans, and other local foods to the families where our children live so that they don’t go hungry (empty stomach) to school, but in the long term, we hope to provide skills to parents in which they can earn money and be able to provide food to their families.

We preach to our children the gospel of God, but our challenges have been bibles. Our children don’t have them yet, but we want them to learn the word of God and live a Christ-centered life. So if we can get bibles for our children, it will help us make our activity effective.  As we do community outreaches, we are in need of speakers, laptops, and projectors to help us reach out to a large number of people while spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We also need funding to pay rent since we are looking forward to getting a house with better standards and good sanitation to shelter our children so that they can have a better place to call home than the ones they are in. However,  we are also looking forward to getting land where we can build a house for our children in the future.

We also need bedding and clothes for our children since they sleep on old clothes packed together in a sack as a mattress and so put on clothes that are not pleasing.

During WILSONS MINISTRY in different areas, Wilson went to preach the gospel in one of the conference that was organized by the pastors in Kalungu district

In the conference, Wilson met a woman who had six children, and the two of them had sickle cells and were in critical condition. Their mother had tried everything to save her children, but things could not work out. Their mother had become hopeless; she had given up on her children, waiting for them to die. This woman had six children that she had to take care of after her husband abandoned her. She could work in people’s gardens to earn three thousand, which is less than a dollar. All the responsibilities for these children were with her; she had to feed them, treat them, and educate them. Life was very hard for her, and Wilson Ssendagile chose not to look away; he gave all his savings to help this abandoned family. In 2022, Wilson Ssendagile launched Meizon home in Kalungu district, which is taking care of 50 children